Our school is for people with burning eyes. The teachers and mentors are practitioners with a lot of experience who are willing and able to share it. You can study online or travel to the studio. The topics of the courses are very diverse.

We believe that you should learn and work with burning eyes. We love the concept of life-long learning, we’re not afraid to retrain ourselves, and we’re not afraid of not knowing something. Constant learning helps us stay curious and therefore young. We do courses for those who share our views.

There are too many “no’s” in our literary life. For every dull “no,” we say an upbeat “yes.” Literature is used to talking about the meaning of life and unhappy love, about longing and guilt, too often forgetting behind these painful questions about the quality of writing – that the text needs elaborate architecture, metered descriptions, that all the guns hanging on the walls are bound to fire, and that the reader is our good buddy who must be taken care of. Offering in between cigars and sparkling wine, an orange fresh and a fresh anecdote. Our school puts the issue of writing quality, of literary literacy, on the agenda. Not to say, of course, that writing is the mystery of birth, it is therapy, liberation, an island of happiness, in a word, creativity.

Professional writers, literary critics, translators, philologists, screenwriters, and playwrights participate in the courses. The classes allow attendees not only to learn how to work with the written word, but also create a lively environment for communication between aspiring writers and experienced masters alike.